Sunday, 29 October 2017


"In a machine age, dressmaking is one of the last refuges of the human, the personal, the inimitable."
- Christian Dior

My love for faux fur has grown into something of an obsession. Of late my wardrobe has been packed full of faux fur in plenty of colours; from the classic black, to red and even baby blue. Who said you only need one coat to get you through these cold long months?!

I decided to wear this amazingly soft faux fur coat from Look of the Day (now only available in Pink or Mustard) with a GRL PWR tee (on sale, here), from the same brand. I kept the colours to a minimal; sticking with grey, black and red. I teamed up the duo with a black faux leather shirt from Zara (old), a grab faux leather clutch bag and pointed heeled shoes from Primark. I finished off the look with these diamanté encrusted glasses from Forever 21 and a bold red lip, courtesy of Mac Cosmetics

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Photography - C Noir


Wednesday, 25 October 2017

TOP PICKS: Top 15 Graphic Tees

Of late I've been sporting quite a few graphic print t-shirts, in a variation of colours. I find they are a great way to say what you're thinking or even put across your mood without having to utter a word. From rock bands, to female empowerment and even Bible quotes... there's a printed tee for everyone.

Since people have been asking me where I find all these cool tees, I thought it's only right to put a post together of my favourites. Click on the brand name for the direct link. Happy shopping! x


Saturday, 21 October 2017

Cool Autumn

"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening."
- Coco Chanel

So I've been back from my holiday for a little while now; I've swapped the sun sand and cocktails for grey clouds and low temperatures. However, I can't complain, I'm glad to be back with my friends and family, despite the miserable weather. 

After reading all my mail and catching up on work in the office, I thought it was definitely time for a bit of fun, so decided to shoot one outfit... and here it is; 'Cool Autumn'. I've decided this winter to be more bold with my colour choices, put together colour combinations that sound unusual but look amazing. I've started with black grey and red and can't wait to show you what else I have in store. 

I teamed up this cold shoulder jumper from Missguided with a red faux leather skirt from Zara (old), pointed heels from H&M (old) and this cool felt fedora hat also from H&M. I finished off the look with this cross body black mini bag from Zara (sold out, alternative below) and a pout of red lipstick from Mac Cosmetics. 

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Photography - A. Otomewo

Sunday, 8 October 2017

I Mean Business

"You either know fashion or you don't."
- Anna Wintour

So I thought I go for a totally different look than I'm use to posting on the blog, forget the sexy and forget the cool, today I went for a smart look. Okay, well not completely smart, the buttoned down shirt and killer heels, add a little sexiness... but hey, sometimes it's needed. 

When people think smart wear they usually think boring colours like navy grey and black, but there's no harm in wearing bright colours like yellow and pink. I decided to break the 'not set but assumed rules' and wore yellow tailored trousers from ASOS (old), with a long-line white shirt from Forever 21 (similar here) and a black blazer from Pretty Little Thing. I finished off the look with these chic sunglasses from River Island (old) and these converted heels from Shein (also available in pink nude).

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Photography - Aurelia 

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Rock Princess

"Fashion should be a form of escapism, and not a form of imprisonment."
- Alexander McQueen

Ever had one of those days when you just don't know what to wear? Well, that's what happens to me when I put this outfit together. In fact, it happens to me quite a lot. Honestly, the only reason why I paired this cool Missguided Tee with this pretty ASOS skirt, is because the pink of the skirt went well with the graphic print on the tee. It's as simple as that. 

I decided to make things look a little more street and casual, teaming the duo with a longline ripped denim jacket from Miss Pap (more here), a simple denim clutch bag from Forever 21 (old) and my all time favourite grey points from... you won't believe it... Primark. There you have it, a last minute through together outfit. 

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Photography - C. Noir
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